Breakthrough Gallery
Breakthroughs are particularly meaningful project achievements. While the project has many meaningful achievements worthy of celebration, breakthroughs are the relatively rare gems that pass a higher threshold. Breakthrough ACTION used a critical lens to assess which activities offered innovations that measurably accelerated health outcomes. Where did the project break new ground? Where had research and design thinking been applied to identify new successful solutions? The Breakthrough Gallery showcases the incredible achievements the project has made in social and behavior change.
Male Engagement Compendium
Involving Men and Boys in Family Planning and Sexual and Reproductive Health
The Male Engagement Compendium is a resource designed to increase access to materials that facilitate engaging men and boys in health programming. Leveraging the structure of the Know, Care, Do Theory of Change, Breakthrough ACTION crowdsourced, reviewed, and curated male engagement curricula published after 2010. Visitors can use filters to identify relevant materials by resource type, approach, technical area, and type of engagement with men and boys.
Action and Impact
Focus on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Breakthrough ACTION prioritizes five sexual and reproductive health areas: advocacy and agenda setting; supporting social and behavior change in service delivery; addressing equity and social determinants of health, particularly gender equity and male engagement; meeting the sexual and reproductive health needs of youth; and advancing social and behavior change in francophone Africa.
This new compilation highlights seminal activities, including a shared agenda for SBC in family planning and the Provider Behavior Ecosystem, as well as courses and toolkits.
Country of Implementation Highlights
Breakthrough ACTION has curated resources developed in the project’s countries of implementation. These new country pages are useful for health professionals, policymakers, and community leaders seeking evidence-based SBC information and tools to address critical health challenges.
Incorporate new social and behavior change approaches into your work with these learning opportunities.
Upcoming conferences, training opportunities, conferences, and other events
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