A woman reading an educational poster about anthrax.

Please Mind the Gaps: Addressing the Knowledge and Behavioral Gaps Around Zoonotic Diseases in Zambia

Closing the knowledge and behavioral gaps around zoonotic diseases can ensure safer coexistence between animals and people in Zambia.

Training Program Equips Nigerian Journalists with Health Reporting Skills

Breakthrough ACTION trained journalists to discern facts from misinformation and increase the reporting of accurate information on disease prevention.
A screen capture of participants on Zoom.

Learn Better. Learn Together.

Participants in the Know, Care, Do: A Theory of Change for Engaging Men and Boys in Family Planning course benefited from a cohort-based learning approach.
A female health care worker administers antimalarial treatment to her patient.

Changing Provider Behavior to Improve Quality of Care in Plateau State, Nigeria

In Nigeria, Breakthrough ACTION worked with over 10,000 service providers to understand their attitudes towards service delivery and standards of care.
A graphic featuring a group of people in front of a colorful background.

Adapting Empathways to Address the Specific Needs of Sexual and Gender Minority Young People

A card activity Breakthrough ACTION developed to foster empathy is being adapted to address the specific needs of sexual and gender minority young people.
Two Nigerian men, seated across each other, having a conversation.

Engaging Religious Leaders to Prevent Malaria in Nigeria

In Nigeria, Breakthrough ACTION is helping religious leaders counsel their congregants on health topics such as malaria prevention and treatment.
A group of four young people looking at the screen of a laptop.

Sharpen Skills, Expand Knowledge, Drive Impact: SBC Learning Central is Empowering Global Changemakers

Breakthrough ACTION’s SBC Learning Central is empowering changemakers across 131 countries with critical social and behavior change knowledge and tools.
A Nigerian family, comprising a mother, a young girl, a young boy, and a father, sitting on the ground.

Mothers as Agents of Household Health

In Nigeria, mothers equipped with knowledge, income, and confidence are shaping the health of their families.
A group of Liberian students sitting in a circle in a classroom for a school health club meeting.

Seeding Change to Realize a Brighter Future for Liberia’s Youth

With youth leading change in their classrooms and beyond, the future of Liberia is surely growing brighter.