A community health worker shows a flipchart to a family in Uganda

Courtesy of Jonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images Reportage

Breakthrough RESEARCH catalyzes social and behavior change (SBC) by conducting state-of-the-art research and evaluation and promoting evidence-based solutions to improve health and development programs around the world.  

In partnership with a range of stakeholders, Breakthrough RESEARCH is identifying key evidence gaps and developing consensus-driven research agendas to guide priority investments in SBC research, programs, and policy.   

Using cutting-edge research and evaluation methods, Breakthrough RESEARCH is addressing key questions related to SBC programming such as “What works?” “How can it work best?” “How much does it cost?” “Is it cost-effective?” “How can it be replicated, scaled, and sustained locally?”.  

Ultimately, the project will equip governments, implementing partners, service delivery organizations, and donors with the data and evidence they need to integrate proven and cost-effective social and behavior change approaches into their programs. 

Breakthrough RESEARCH is a five-year cooperative agreement funded by the United States Agency for International Development. The consortium is led by the Population Council in partnership with Avenir Health, ideas42, Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University, Population Reference Bureau, and Tulane University.

Breakthrough RESEARCH Fact Sheet [English │ French]

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A consortium led by Population Council in partnership with Avenir Health, ideas42, Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University, Population Reference Bureau, and Tulane University.


A five-year cooperative agreement to drive the generation, packaging, and use of innovative SBC research.


August 2017 to July 2022




To expand the evidence base, increase healthy behaviors, and enable positive social norms through improved SBC programming.

Breakthrough RESEARCH Posts and Resources

Graphic image of a computer

Breakthrough RESEARCH Legacy and Learning Series

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This page contains research and tools on provider behavior change, integrated social and behavior change (SBC), advancing SBC measurement, and costing SBC.
A female health worker provides reproductive health and family planning counseling to a woman in SenegalJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Aligning Measures of Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning

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This blog post shows why social and behavior change practitioners need to go beyond output-level indicators and introduces resources on measuring outcomes.
A mother and her baby son smile in NigerUNICEF/Benedicte Kurzen
An expectant mother arrives at an ANC consultation with her young daughter and husbandSarah Hoibak/VectorWorks/Photoshare

Implication des hommes pour une planification familiale efficace au Togo

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Ce rapport et cette note d'information évaluent les avantages et la faisabilité de deux approches de communication sur le planning familial.
Children in Burkina FasoPhotoshare