Using Digital Mobile Technology to Complement Community and Mass Media Interventions
English Nigeria COVID-19, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Malaria, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition, Tuberculosis Fact Sheet/Brief Digital Breakthrough ACTIONThese briefs describe how Breakthrough ACTION used mobile technology to share health messaging, disseminate mobile reminders, and as a learning tool.

Transforming Health Outcomes through SBC in Liberia
English Liberia Sexual and Reproductive Health, Malaria, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition, Service Delivery, Youth Report Advocacy, Behavioral Science, Community Engagement, Human-centered Design, Knowledge Management, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis report highlights the work of Breakthrough ACTION in Liberia, which worked to improve health outcomes across 12 counties using SBC.

Building Trust and Empathy with Young Mothers in Nutrition Programming
English Gender, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery, Youth Fact Sheet/Brief Advocacy, Community Engagement, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief provides recommendations to prioritize trust and empathy to improve nutritional outcomes for young mothers and their children.

Provincial Assessment of Barriers to the Adoption of MNCH Accelerator Behaviors in the DRC
French Democratic Republic of the Congo Maternal and Child Health Report Audience Segmentation, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough ACTIONThis evaluation report offers recommendations to improve access to and uptake of essential health care services in the DRC.

Sustainable Media Engagement and Capacity Strengthening in Nigeria
English Nigeria COVID-19, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Global Health Security, Malaria, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition, Provider Behavior Change, Tuberculosis Fact Sheet/Brief Behavioral Science, Community Engagement, Digital, Human-centered Design, Knowledge Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief showcases Breakthrough ACTION’s approach to creating strong partnerships with media professionals and health technical experts as part of its strategic and coordinated package of SBC interventions in Nigeria.

Resources and Tools to Empower Community Health Workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
English, French Democratic Republic of the Congo COVID-19, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Malaria, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition, Tuberculosis Implementation Guidance, Report Community Engagement, Human-centered Design, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONIn the DRC, Breakthrough ACTION co-created solutions to revitalize the role of community health workers, known as RECOs, through a HCD approach.

The Red Boat Radio Drama
English South Sudan Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Maternal and Child Health, WASH Implementation Guidance, Toolkit, Video/Animation Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis 15-episode radio drama about FP, MNCH, and WASH links people in South Sudan to quality health and counseling services.

Proud Parents Media Campaign in Guinea
English, French Guinea Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Malaria, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition Report, Tool, Video/Animation Community Engagement, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONMaterials from the "Proud Parents Campaign" in Guinea, which used multimedia to engage young parents of children under five.

Guide de message harmonisé pour les comportements prioritaires en Guinée
French Guinea Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Malaria, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition Implementation Guidance, Technical Guide Community Engagement, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONUn guide élaboré par Breakthrough ACTION-Guinée pour harmoniser les messages de CSC sur 20 comportements accélérateurs en santé.