Breakthrough RESEARCH Legacy Area: Advancing Social and Behavior Change Measurement
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Fact Sheet/Brief, Peer-reviewed, Report, Video/Animation Audience Segmentation, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough RESEARCHSocial and behavior change professionals can use these resources to measure and assess the effectiveness of their activities.
Breakthrough RESEARCH Legacy Area: Integrated Social and Behavior Change and the Enabling Environment
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Niger, Nigeria Cost Effectiveness, Family Planning / Reproductive Health, Integration, Malaria, Nutrition Fact Sheet/Brief, Peer-reviewed, Presentation Slides, Report, Webinar Breakthrough RESEARCHThis portfolio of evidence supports the intersection of social and behavior change (SBC) and the enabling environment for integrated SBC.
Breakthrough RESEARCH Legacy Area: Provider Behavior Change
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Provider Behavior Change Case Study, Fact Sheet/Brief, Literature Review, Online Course, Peer-reviewed, Presentation Slides, Tool, Webinar Breakthrough RESEARCHThese resources help social and behavior change professionals better understand the drivers of health care provider behaviors.
Elevating Social and Behavior Change as an Essential Component of Family Planning Programs
Breakthrough ACTION English Family Planning / Reproductive Health Peer-reviewed Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONExamine and use the data in this article to advocate for the use of social and behavior change approaches in your family planning programs.
Applying Behavioral Science to Fever Case Management in Nigeria
Breakthrough ACTION English Nigeria Malaria Implementation Guidance, Peer-reviewed, Report, Tool Behavioral Science Breakthrough ACTIONThis page contains resources Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria developed to help health care providers adhere to fever case management guidelines.
Understanding the Health Care Experiences of Newborns and Young Children in Kenya
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Kenya Maternal and Child Health Fact Sheet/Brief, Peer-reviewed, Presentation Slides, Tool Breakthrough RESEARCHThese resources describe the co-design process (with families and providers) to create a set of interventions that promote positive care experiences.
Social Media Listening and Evaluating the Impacts of a Regional Mass Media Intervention Targeting Young People
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Francophone West Africa, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Togo Family Planning / Reproductive Health, Youth Fact Sheet/Brief, Implementation Guidance, Literature Review, Peer-reviewed, Presentation Slides, Report, Webinar Digital, Monitoring and Evaluation, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough RESEARCHThese resources are the product of an examination the impact of mass media and digital media on young people’s family planning attitudes and behaviors.
Advancing Postpartum Hemorrhage Care Approach in Madagascar
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Madagascar Maternal and Child Health, Provider Behavior Change Fact Sheet/Brief, Peer-reviewed Breakthrough RESEARCHThe research briefs and a research article on this page describe the development of solutions to prevent, detect, and treat postpartum hemorrhage in Madagascar.
Generating Evidence to Inform Integrated Social and Behavior Change Programming in Nigeria
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Nigeria Family Planning / Reproductive Health, Gender, Integration, Maternal and Child Health, Youth Fact Sheet/Brief, Peer-reviewed, Presentation Slides, Report, Webinar Breakthrough RESEARCHThis series of briefs, webinars, and slide decks discuss results will help to improve the delivery of integrated SBC programming across health areas and behaviors.