Anthrax: The Guinean Context and Social and Cultural Determinants

This literature review on anthrax incorporated the results of a qualitative study on zoonotic diseases carried out by Breaktrhough ACTION.

Lassa Fever: The Guinean Context and Social and Cultural Determinants

This literature review incorporates the results of a qualitative study on zoonotic diseases carried out by Breakthrough ACTION.

Nigeria Malaria Social and Behavior Change Tools and Resources

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Breakthrough ACTION and the Nigeria National Malaria Elimination Programme worked to motivate people and providers to prevent, test, and treat malaria.
Two women from the Media Epidemiology, Infodemic Management, and Social and Behavior Change (EIS) Fellowship Program smiling

Media Preparedness Training for Outbreaks

This fellowship equips media professionals with epidemiology, infodemic management, and SBC skills to communicate health information during outbreaks.
Pregnant woman and her male partner