Three people from the Breakthrough ACTION Sahel RISE II team from Burkina FasoBreakthrough ACTION

Creating a Space for Innovation and Collaboration Among French-Speaking Social and Behavior Change Professionals

Breakthrough ACTION created a space for francophone social and behavior change practitioners to collaborate during the 2022 SBCC Summit.
Staff at a dispensary in Tanzania speak with a woman to check her in as a new patientRachel Chilton/USAID/Flickr

Compass for SBC “Spotlight” on Breakthrough RESEARCH

This blog post introduces the Breakthrough RESEARCH Compass Spotlight showcasing Breakthrough RESEARCH's range of SBC research and evaluation products.
infographic screenshot

Exploring Pathways to Social and Behavior Change Impact

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This graphic can be used to advocate for increased investments in SBC and to start conversations about the need to prioritize SBC investments.
An OB-GYN counsels a young married couple on contraceptive choicesPaula Bronstein/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment