Residents of Kolda taking part in vaccination sessionsBreakthrough ACTION

Improving Preparedness and Response Planning Through Country Study Tours

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This case study focuses on how peer-to-peer exchanges can enhance preparedness and response to public health threats through the One Health platform.
Icon of a woman with a mobile phone

Promoting Multisectoral Collaboration for Resilient Health Systems Through One Health

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This case study highlights how Breakthrough ACTION used multisectoral collaboration to strengthen health systems against zoonotic diseases and emerging threats.
Adolescent receiving blood pressure check
Man with cattle in the backgroundBrooke Barker, Breakthrough ACTION

One Health Risk Communication Training for Media Professionals and Public Health Communicators

This training package supports One Health partners, public health communicators, and media professionals to improved risk communication and response.
Child hunters and their hunting dogs in GhanaBreakthrough ACTION

Understanding Multilevel Factors that Influence the Risk of Rabies in Ghana

This zoonotic disease study focused on risk behaviors related to rabies, symptoms in animals and humans, prevention strategies, and reporting mechanisms.

Communication Plan to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance in Côte d’Ivoire

Ce document de plan de communication permet d’optimiser la coordination des interventions et de développer des stratégies de communication.
Blyde River Canyon, South AfricaAshim D’Silva/Unsplash

One Health Risk Communication Training for Chiefdom-Level One Health Structures

This training manual overviews a three-day, interactive training in One Health risk communication and community engagement.