Facilitator Guide: One Health Risk Communication Training for Chiefdom-Level One Health Structures

One Health Risk Communication Training for Chiefdom-Level One Health Structures

This training manual overviews a three-day, interactive training in One Health risk communication and community engagement.

Dog Bite Campaign Changes Rabies Prevention in Sierra Leone

This success story details how the "Stopping Dog Bites" campaign tackled the pressing issues of dog bites and rabies in Sierra Leone.
Man with livestock in Côte d'Ivoire
Pregnant woman and her male partner
A community health nurse gives medical advice to a mother holding an infant in Sierra LeoneMwangi Kirubi/PMI Impact Malaria/Flickr

Provider and Client Perceptions of Malaria Prevention and Treatment Services in Sierra Leone

This report summarizes research on socio-behavioral determinants related to malaria care provider practices and patient experiences in Sierra Leone.