Breakthrough ACTION is developing messages to help prevent the spread of zoonotic diseases in Côte d'Ivoire. Photo: USAID

Breakthrough ACTION’s Global Health Security (GHS) programs aim to enhance risk communication capabilities for handling priority zoonotic diseases (PZDs) and emerging issues in 14 countries. Operating with a multisectoral One Health approach, the project worked towards the World Health Organization’s international health regulation benchmarks. Activities address various diseases like Lassa fever, rabies, and anthrax, alongside emerging concerns such as antimicrobial resistance. These efforts, supported by diverse partners, build on previous work and integrate lessons from COVID-19 and PZD responses to fortify preparedness and communication capacities. In 2023, GHS programming reached over 80 million individuals through various media channels and community engagements, produced numerous materials, and provided extensive training and coordination activities across sectors to bolster preparedness and response mechanisms.

The following success stories highlight a few of these activities:



Stephanie Clayton