Breakthrough ACTION has developed and implemented social and behavior change (SBC) interventions to increase the number of tuberculosis (TB) cases identified in Nigeria. These resources can be adapted and used by professionals interested in using SBC approaches to address TB or practitioners implementing TB programs.

Check Am O! Campaign

Breakthrough ACTION, the National Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Buruli Ulcer Control Programme (NTBLCP), and other partners in Nigeria developed the first national unified TB SBC campaign in the country. “Check Am O!” (Go and Check It!) was based on an intensive human-centered design approach and rolled out through multiple channels. The campaign encouraged anyone with a cough lasting more than two weeks to seek TB testing and for their families, friends, and acquaintances to support them in doing so.

Print Materials
TB TV Spots
TB-COVID-19 TV Spots

Job Aids for Health Care Workers

These job aids provide user-friendly guidance on TB care and treatment clinical management.

Guidelines and Reports

Implementation and Success Stories