Breakthrough ACTION’s message development and risk communication and community engagement activities strengthen Sierra Leone’s health systems to better address malaria, Lassa fever, rabies, and dog bites. Alongside local ministries of health and social welfare and other stakeholders and partners, Breakthrough ACTION designed and produced materials about the COVID-19 vaccine tailored toward vulnerable populations, particularly people living with disabilities. COVID-19 vaccination campaigns have reached thousands, including over 6,000 people with disabilities who got vaccinated. Regarding malaria prevention and services, the project worked with the National Malaria Control Program to finalize a malaria social and behavior change message guide and support the mass distribution of insecticide-treated nets. Findings from the Malaria Behavior Survey also ensure local entities can develop and implement social and behavior change malaria-prevention activities. Trainings and technical support for Facility Management Committees further put addressing malaria concerns in the hands of local community leaders.
Focus On
Socio-Behavioral Determinants of Health
Breakthrough ACTION conducted a qualitative exploration of malaria prevention and treatment behaviors of health workers and the experiences of patients in receiving fever and maternal or newborn health services in Sierra Leone. This research was implemented to better understand the socio-behavioral determinants of individual and community level malaria prevention and treatment behaviors.