Tested Solutions for Engaging Men in Family Planning

This design primer details the components of the behaviorally informed intervention used in The Scale-up and Capacity Building in Behavioral Science to Improve the Uptake of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services (SupCap) project in Uganda. Users of the guide will be able to (1) implement the game “Together We Decide”: a game for male partners of postpartum women to encourage contraceptive uptake; (2) distribute child spacing planning cards, which are designed to prompt and encourage conversations between couples about child spacing; and (3) view text messages sent to health workers to encourage discussions about family planning with male and female clients.

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Organization/author: SupCap Project/IntraHealth

Year: 2021

Language: English

Know, Care, Do Theory of Change (learn more)

Components of Engagement:
Care about FP by assuming responsibility for their personal health and reproduction and accountability for supporting their partners’ reproductive priorities and needs.Care Care about FP/SRH by assuming responsibility for their personal health and reproduction and accountability for supporting their partners’ reproductive priorities and needs.
DoDo Do supportive actions for FP/SRH by taking concrete steps to communicate and help achieve reproductive intentions and goals from themselves and in support of their partners.
Role in Engagement:
Client/UserAs clients or users of FP/SRH services with unique priorities, needs, and preferences that should be met by programs.
PartnerAs partners in their relationships regarding FP/SRH issues and in challenging and addressing gender inequality and inequitable gender norms and roles.
Agent of ChangeAs agents of change who actively aim to improve outcomes for themselves, their partners, their families, and their communities.