“[Before the cost comparisons] people thought services were expensive, so they paid for medication from the pharmacy [without going to services].” — Woman, Haut Katanga Province
“I am aware that to have health and stay healthy depends on finances and quality [services]. So, in my family, we have set up a savings policy to meet the health needs of the family, and this makes it easier for us to access health care.” — Woman, South Kivu Province
The Innovation
By comparing health care costs to other daily expenses, the project helped to reframe the expenses for health care as affordable. The exercise was eye-opening for many: community members were surprised to see how the health care costs are comparable to the amounts spent for haircuts, beer, sugar, or phone credits. It reflects Cass Sunstein’s FEAST framework (fun, easy, attractive, social, and timely) since the activity is interactive, social, and fun!
The Evidence
The Cost Comparison activity has been integrated into community engagement activities where reminder tickets were distributed to refer people to health services. The analysis of the reminder tickets in three DRC provinces shows the link between participation in the community engagement activities and attendance at health facilities. Between six and 21% of reminder tickets were presented at health centers, depending on the province.
Scale-Up & Adapt
After implementation in eight health zones, programs are using the Cost Comparison activity in 52 health zones in nine USAID-supported provinces in DRC. Five local nongovernmental organizations in Haut Katanga are also using the approach.
In 2023, the Cost Comparison activity was adapted for use in select family planning community engagement activities in Togo. Participants of those select community engagement activities had a 10% greater uptake of costed family planning methods compared to those who participated in community dialogues without the Cost Comparison activity. The Cost Comparison activity was also adapted for nutrition counseling in Nigeria.
Who can I speak with about this solution?
The Democratic Republic of the Congo
Didier Kangudie, Chief of Party
Grace Nzolo, Innovations Officer
Florence Mpata, Deputy Chief of Party
Colin Elumba, Save the Children
Juanita Rodriguez, ThinkPlace
Shittu Abdu-Aguye, Chief of Party, Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria
Hilaire Tokplo, Country Manager
Other resources
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