“For me, the ideation phase was so eye-opening because it was a new way of analyzing things. It challenged the assumptions we often make. It helped us better understand the problem, think exhaustively about how we could make a change, and consider which among those many ideas is best. It pushed us to come up with the best solution to the real problem and move beyond the things we are used to doing.” — Emeline Ouedraogo, Technical Assistant, Permanent Secretariat for Coordination of Agricultural Sectoral Policies, Burkina Faso
“We’ve started paying much more attention to mood, physical environment, and social context. We’ve also learned how to account for chronic scarcity. We didn’t consider these things before.” — Hamsatou Moumouni Moudi, Communications and Public Relations Head, Ministry of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs, Niger
The Innovation
The approach combines training tailored to the needs and priorities of participants with coaching to apply what they learned. Participants learn from the course content, from their own practical experience applying the tools, and from the more experienced behavioral design coaches they collaborated with. In addition, this approach strengthens the system’s readiness to institutionalize good practices and SBC by equipping public sector actors with new competencies.
The Evidence
National Innovations Team members developed innovative solutions to address seven different behavioral challenges through the program. They also reflected on specific ways in which the course stretched their thinking and prepared them to approach challenges in new ways.
Scale-Up & Adapt
The NITs in the Sahel have successfully added new participants, and its online content and distance coaching approach can be customized for various environments and situations. In Niger, the NIT members conducted a seminar at the National Institute of Public Health to introduce the next generation of public health practitioners to behavioral design. They are also seeking ways to integrate behavioral science approaches into the public health curriculum.
Who can I speak with about this solution?
Nourou-Dhine Salouka, Chief of Party, Niger
Finou Mendy, Senior Behavioral Designer, ideas42
Other resources
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