Breakthrough RESEARCH, with input from USAID and implementing partners, has developed research and learning agendas for two important areas of social and behavior change (SBC) programming: the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of health care providers with their clients and the integration of multiple health or development issues within a single SBC program.

The research and learning agendas lay out a set of questions designed to help discover what is needed to better understand factors that influence providers’ behaviors and integrating SBC programming. Answers to these questions can help improve the work of health care providers (e.g., public, private, and community) and help integrated programming become more effective in order to have a stronger impact on behavior change.

See the suite of materials Breakthrough RESEARCH has developed for more information on the research and learning agendas and how you can play a role in implementing them.

Learn more

Social and Behavior Change Research Spotlights

Activity Brief: “Developing Social and Behavior Change Agendas for Integrated Programming and Provider Behavior Change” [EnglishFrench]

Programmatic Research Brief: “Advancing Integrated SBC Programming

Programmatic Research Brief: “Advancing Provider Behavior Change Programming

Slide Document: “Developing Research and Learning Agendas to Strengthen SBC Programming

Blog post: “Answering Critical SBC Questions to Advance the Field and Improve Population-Based Behavior Change

Webinar: “Advancing Integrated Social and Behavior Change and Provider Behavior Change Programming: Exploration of the Research and Learning Agendas” [SlidesWebinar Recording]

A nurse providing antenatal counseling to a pregnant woman in Uganda

Activity Snapshot

Collaborating Partners
Technical Advisory Network (TAN) members—Provider Behavior Change TAN, Integrated SBC TAN


Geographic Location

Sanyukta Mathur