Despite recent gains in the use of modern contraceptives around the world, many women are still dissatisfied with their family planning methods and discontinuation remains high, particularly amongst postpartum women. In close collaboration with health workers, postpartum women, implementers, and policymakers in Malawi, Breakthrough ACTION developed a package of evidence-based, low-cost solutions to improve the quality of family planning counseling using behavioral design. Join us to learn more about the solutions and their impacts on women’s and provider’s behaviors.
- Ely McElwee, Senior Associate, ideas42
- Abigail Sellman, Senior Associate, ideas42
Want to learn more?
Read all about our work in Malawi and watch a video to see the solutions in action.
Download resources and tools, including:
- Tested Solutions for Quality FP Counseling
- Facility-Based Feasibility Study Results
- Community-Based Pre/Post Evaluation Results