How can research findings inform and improve social and behavior change (SBC) programs? What questions can SBC practitioners keep in mind to help sift through research, interpret publications, and apply lessons learned? Join Breakthrough ACTION for the second in a series of online guided discussions following a “journal club” format about malaria SBC evidence on Wednesday, March 6, 2019, from 9:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. (EST). More information about the article and how you can prepare for and participate in the online discussion is found below.
Featured presenter
- Dr. Ashis Das, Public Health Specialist, World Bank
About the article
In the article Strengthening malaria service delivery through supportive supervision and community mobilization in an endemic Indian setting: an evaluation of nested delivery models, the impact of community mobilization and community mobilization combined with supportive supervision were compared with routine government malaria prevention and control activities. This randomized control study found that both community mobilization and community mobilization combined with supportive supervision improved a number of community preventive and care-seeking behaviors for malaria.
Preparing for the discussion
Download the article and the Discussion Guide, which has questions to guide your reading and to help you follow along during the online discussion.