Please join Breakthrough RESEARCH and Breakthrough ACTION for a presentation and dialogue on the challenges implementers face and the tools that have been developed to assist with conducting social and behavior change (SBC) costing studies as well as where to find existing SBC costs and cost-effectiveness data.
Breakthrough RESEARCH is working to build the evidence base on the costs and cost-effectiveness of SBC interventions for health. In this webinar, Breakthrough ACTION will discuss the challenges that implementers face in exploring SBC costs and cost-effectiveness. Participants will learn about tools that Breakthrough RESEARCH has developed to assist with conducting SBC costing studies and where to find existing data on SBC costs and cost-effectiveness. This webinar aims to launch a community of practice around SBC costing, where conversations on the best practices for assessing SBC costs and cost-effectiveness will be continued in the SBC costing group on Springboard.
Amanda Kalamar, Breakthrough RESEARCH, Population Council
Avery Avrakotos, US Agency for International Development
Shittu Abdu-Aguye, Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
Nicole Bellows, Breakthrough RESEARCH, Avenir Health
Lori Bollinger, Breakthrough RESEARCH, Avenir Health
Michel Tchuenche, Breakthrough RESEARCH, Avenir Health