Latest Past Events

The Role of Community and Faith Leaders in Malaria Control and Elimination Part II: An In-Depth Orientation to PMI’s Faith and Community Leader Toolkit

Please join the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative and Breakthrough ACTION for a 1.5-hour, in-depth orientation to the Malaria Social and Behavior Change Toolkit for Community and Faith Leaders. This new, free toolkit will help your organization integrate existing strengths, connections, and activities with key malaria social and behavior change resources to save lives in your community. This webinar will be simultaneously interpreted into English, French, and Portuguese. FEATURED SPEAKERS Jordan Burns, Africa Regional Malaria Advisor, U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative Anna McCartney-Melstad, Senior Program Officer II, Breakthrough ACTION, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs Jean Jacques Brou, Springboard Community Manager, Breakthrough […]

RBM Partnership Social & Behavior Change Working Group General Call

Join the RBM Partnership Social and Behavior Change Working Group for the upcoming general call on February 4, 2021 (9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. EST).  The February call will feature: Technical presentation on “The Business Case for Investing in Social and Behavior Change for Malaria” Updates on new and continuing workstreams New linguistic/regional ambassadors program Current work being carried out by members The call will be simultaneously interpreted into English, French, and Portuguese. Register to join the call

Malaria—Insights for improving malaria, FP, and MCH outcomes in northwestern Nigeria through SBC programming


PHOTO CREDIT: Arne Hoel/World Bank (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0; No modifications made)   In this webinar, Breakthrough RESEARCH will share findings from its work in northwestern Nigeria related to malaria. We will present new ideational metrics collected and discuss how these metrics are associated with malaria prevention and treatment behaviors. Breakthrough ACTION will present key program design to address malaria prevention and treatment and the programmatic implications of the research. Breakthrough RESEARCH is USAID’s flagship project for social and behavior change (SBC) research and evaluation, led by the Population Council. In Nigeria, Breakthrough RESEARCH is evaluating the effectiveness of Breakthrough ACTION’s […]