Traduction française ci-dessous

This short guide includes important considerations, messaging, and resources to support country programs in adapting nutrition social and behavior change programming in response to the challenges presented by COVID-19. General recommendations about healthy diets; maternal, infant, and young child nutrition; and handwashing are the same as before the pandemic and not discussed in detail here. Program adaptations and messaging should be in line with people’s emotional states, the country context, available services, and local government response, including that of coordinating bodies responsible for COVID-19 risk communication and community engagement.

The guide is also available in French.

Conseils sur le Changement Social et de Comportement pour la Nutrition Pendant le COVID-19

Ce petit guide comprend des considérations, des messages et des ressources importants pour aider les programmes nationaux à adapter la programmation de changement social et de comportement autour de la nutrition en réponse aux défis présentés par COVID-19.

Le guide est également disponible en anglais.