Making Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs a Real Pleasure

Breakthrough ACTION, The Pleasure Project, and 38 Pleasure Champions working in SBC, gender, and SRH are working to challenge the concept of pleasure.
A graphic featuring a group of people in front of a colorful background.

Adapting Empathways to Address the Specific Needs of Sexual and Gender Minority Young People

A card activity Breakthrough ACTION developed to foster empathy is being adapted to address the specific needs of sexual and gender minority young people.
Female provider speaking with a young woman

Empathways in Kenya Paving the Way to More Empathetic Youth Services

Breakthrough ACTION worked with the Government of Kenya to address stigma, bias, and mistrust impeding youth access to reproductive health services.
Jhpiego new staff training in Côte d’Ivoire

Empathways—Dealing a Winning Hand to Youth-Centered Health Services

This story describes how Jhpiego, a nonprofit, adapted Breakthrough ACTION’s Empathways to deliver youth-centered HIV prevention and care services in Africa.
Behavior Change Impact: Evidence in Action

New website highlights evidence for social and behavior change impact

This blog post introduces a website for social and behavior change (SBC) practitioners seeking evidence on the impact of SBC in a variety of health areas.
Two women wait for health services outside a health center in Mozambique

HIV-Related Stigma Can Have Deadly Consequences

HIV-related Stigma can prevent people from getting tested for HIV and accessing treatment. This blog post introduces tools to help programs tackle stigma.
A female mentor provides health education to two adolescent women in the Kingdom of Eswatini

Community Data for Action Platform Launch

This blog post describes an online resource that helps community leaders in Eswatini make data-informed decisions and improve their response to HIV.
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