KAP COVID Dashboard: Country profiles with demographic disaggregations

The KAP COVID Dashboard developed by Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) presents data from a global survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practices around COVID-19. For the next five weeks, relevant data from the dashboard specific to Breakthrough ACTION will be highlighted. This information can be used by public health professionals and policymakers to design programs, promote messages, and help focus their behavior change efforts.

This first set of data focuses on TRUST. For each country below, you’ll see the outlets, channels, and individuals that garner the most trust among survey participants. Please feel free to share within your social networks and/or adapt the posts below to your country context by finding your country’s data on the dashboard.

These findings come from global COVID-19 behavior surveys conducted in July 2020 in 67 countries from more than 300,000 people who chose to participate in a survey promoted on Facebook. Researchers from MIT collected the data and CCP analyzed and presented the data on an easy-to-use dashboard. This study of knowledge, attitudes, and practices around COVID-19 is a collaboration among CCP, Facebook Data for Good, and MIT. The World Health Organization and Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network served as advisors.

Country and Social Media Image Facebook Post Twitter Post

Are respondents in Bangladesh accessing information from trusted sources?

In Bangladesh, television and the internet provide the greatest amount of COVID-19 information. The difference? Far more Bangladeshis trust information from television (and other sources) than what they read on the internet. Use the KAP COVID Dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in Banglades. https://ccpnews.link/kapcovid_bd

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP

In Bangladesh, television and the internet provide the greatest amount of #COVID19 info. The difference? Far more Bangladeshis trust info from TV. Explore the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard: https://ccpnews.link/kapcovid_bd

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook


Are respondents in Cambodia accessing information from trusted sources?

Cambodians get most of their COVID-19 information from the internet, but only 34% trust this source. Use the KAP COVID dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in Cambodia.

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP

Cambodians get most of their #COVID19 info from the internet, but only 34% trust this source. Explore more COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard:

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook


Are respondents in Cambodia accessing information from trusted sources?

In Cameroon, television is the most trusted and commonly accessed source of information about COVID-19. Where do you get information about the pandemic? Use the KAP COVID Dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in Cameroon.

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP

Where do you get your info about the #COVID19 pandemic? In Cameroon, TV is most commonly accessed and trusted. Explore more COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard:

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook

Côte d’Ivoire

Are respondents in Côte d'Ivoire accessing information from trusted sources?

In Côte d’Ivoire, health workers and television are almost equally trusted sources of information. While a little over half of people report contact with health workers, 79% report exposure to TV. Use the KAP COVID Dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in Côte d’Ivoire.

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP

In Côte d’Ivoire, health workers and television are almost equally trusted sources of #COVID19 information. Explore more COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard: https://ccpnews.link/kapcovid_ci

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook


Are respondents in Ghana accessing information from trusted sources?

In Ghana, people are equally exposed to information from online sources and television. The difference? Television is a more trusted source for information. While 74% of people trust TV only 43% of people trust online sources. Use the KAP COVID Dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in Ghana.

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP

In Ghana, TV and the internet provide the most #COVID19 info. The difference? TV is a more trusted source. Explore COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard: https://ccpnews.link/kapcovid_gh

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook


Are respondents in India accessing information from trusted sources?

In India, people are equally exposed to information from online sources and television. The difference? Television is a more trusted source for information. While 56% of people trust TV, only 31% of people trust online sources. Use the KAP COVID Dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in India.

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP

In India, TV and the internet provide the greatest amount of #COVID19 info. The difference? TV is a more trusted source. Explore more COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard: https://ccpnews.link/kapcovid_in

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook


Are respondents in Indonesia accessing information from trusted sources?

In Indonesia, people are almost equally exposed to information from both online sources and television. The difference? Television is a more trusted source for information. While 61% of people trusting TV, only 36% of people trust online sources. Use the KAP COVID Dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in Indonesia.

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP

In Indonesia, TV and the internet provide the greatest amount of #COVID19 info. The difference? TV is a more trusted source. Explore more COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard: https://ccpnews.link/kapcovid_id

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook


Are respondents in Kenya accessing information from trusted sources?

In Kenya, about the same percentage of individuals reported getting COVID-19 information from the internet and health workers. The difference? Kenyans trust the information from health care workers much more. Use the KAP COVID Dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in Kenya.

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP

Most Kenyans trust #HealthCareWorkers over the internet as their source for #COVID19 information. Explore more COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard: https://ccpnews.link/kapcovid_ky

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook


Are respondents in Mozambique accessing information from trusted sources?

In Mozambique, television is both widely accessed and trusted as a source for COVID-19 information.
Use the KAP COVID Dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in Mozambique. https://breakthrough.link/kapcovid_mz

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP

In Mozambique, television is both widely accessed and trusted as a source for #COVID19 information. Explore more COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard: https://breakthrough.link/kapcovid_mz

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook


Are respondents in Myanmar accessing information from trusted sources?

In Myanmar, most people get their COVID-19 information from the internet even though it is the least trusted source of information. Use the KAP COVID Dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in Myanmar.

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP

In Myanmar, most people get their #COVID19 info from the internet even though it is the least trusted source of information. Explore more COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard: https://breakthrough.link/kapcovid_mm @WHOGOARN @Facebook @MIT

Are respondents in Nepal accessing information from trusted sources?

Most Nepalis get their COVID-19 information from the internet, despite not have much trust in this source of information. Use the KAP COVID Dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in Nepal. https://ccpnews.link/kapcovid_ne

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP

Most Nepalis get their #COVID19 information from the internet, despite very low trust in this source. Explore more COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard: https://ccpnews.link/kapcovid_ne

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook


Are respondents in Nigeria accessing information from trusted sources?

Most Nigerians get their COVID-19 information from television and the internet. The difference? Trust in television far exceeds that of the internet. Visit the KAP COVID Dashboard and choose “Nigeria” from the country menu to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes.
https://ccpnews.link/kapcovid_ng @WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP
Most Nigerians get their #COVID19 info from television and the internet. The difference? TV is more trusted. Explore COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard: https://ccpnews.link/kapcovid_ng

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook


Are respondents in Kenya accessing information from trusted sources?


Peruvians equally trust health workers and television as a source of COVID-19 information. The difference? Only 48% of people report contact with healthcare workers while 84% of people report exposure to TV. Use the KAP COVID Dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in Peru.

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP


Las personas en el Perú tienen el mismo nivel de confianza en los trabajadores de salud que en la televisión como fuentes de información sobre el COVID-19. Sin embargo, unicamente el 48% tiene contacto con  personal de salud mientras un 84% miran televisión. Use el Tablero de KAP COVID para aprender más sobre las actitudes y los comportamientos alrededor del COVID-19 en el Perú. https://breakthrough.link/kapcovid_pr

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP


Peruvians equally trust healthcare workers and television as sources of #COVID19 information, but TV is more widely accessed. Explore COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard: https://breakthrough.link/kapcovid_pr

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP


Las personas en el Perú tienen el mismo nivel de confianza en los trabajadores de salud que en la tele para recibir info sobre el #COVID19. Sin embargo, mas personas miran tele. Use el Tablero de #KAPCOVID para explorar las actitudes y los comportamientos alrededor del COVID-19: https://breakthrough.link/kapcovid_pr

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP


Are respondents in the Philippines accessing information from trusted sources?

Most Filipinos get their COVID-19 information from television and the internet. The difference? Filipinos trust in television far exceeds that of the internet. Use the KAP COVID Dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in the Philippines.

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP

Most Filipinos get their #COVID19 info from television and the internet. The difference? TV is a more trusted source. Explore COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard: https://ccpnews.link/kapcovid_ph

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP


Are respondents in Uganda accessing information from trusted sources?

Most Ugandans get their COVID-19 information from television and the internet. The difference? Ugandans trust in television far exceeds that of the internet. Use the KAP COVID Dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in Uganda.

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP

Most Ugandans get their #COVID19 info from television and the internet. The difference? TV is a more trusted source. Explore COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard: https://ccpnews.link/kapcovid_ug

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP


Are respondents in the United States accessing information from trusted sources?

Americans trust very few sources of COVID-19 information with the exception of healthcare workers. However, most people have very low exposure to health professionals. Use the KAP COVID Dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in the U.S.

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP

Americans trust few #COVID19 info sources, except healthcare workers, despite having very low exposure to those individuals. Explore COVID-19 behaviors  and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard: https://ccpnews.link/kapcovid_usa

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP


Are respondents in Vietnam accessing information from trusted sources?

In Vietnam, most people get COVID-19 information from television and the internet. The difference? Trust in television far exceeds that of the internet. Use the KAP COVID Dashboard to learn more about COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes in Vietnam.

@WHO @Goarn @MITnews @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP

In Vietnam, most people get their #COVID19 info from TV and the internet. The difference? TV is a more trusted source. Explore more COVID-19 behaviors and attitudes on the @JohnsHopkinsCCP #KAPCOVID Dashboard: https://breakthrough.link/kapcovid_vt

@WHOGOARN @MIT @Facebook @JohnsHopkinsCCP