Manhood 2.0: A Curriculum Promoting a Gender-Equitable Future of Manhood
English Do, Care, Know United States of America Adolescent Boys, Men, Community Members Family Planning, Gender-based Violence, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion Training Guide Social and Structural Change, Life Skills, Small Group Sessions, Community Engagement, Gender-transformative Client/User, Partner, Agent of ChangeManhood 2.0 is a gender-transformative curriculum developed to engage young men aged 15 to 24 in reflecting on the impacts of harmful gender norms, specifically those surrounding issues such as teen pregnancy prevention, dating violence and…

Many Ways of Being: An inclusive, youth-centered curriculum focused on gender equity, healthy relationships, and safer sex practices
English, Spanish Care, Do, Know United States of America Adolescent Boys, Adolescent Girls Sexual and Reproductive Health, Family Planning, Gender-based Violence Facilitator Manual Gender-Transformative Approaches, Life Skills, Small Group Sessions, Social and Structural Change Client/User, Partner, Agent of ChangeMany Ways of Being is a sex education program for young people of all gender identities, ages 15 to 19, aiming to promote healthy, consensual, and violence-free relationships among youth while reducing the incidence of sexually transmitted infections…