Resource Type:
Training Guide
Primary Audience:
Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Staff
Technical Area:
Gender-based Violence, Sexual and Reproductive Health, HIV
SBC Approach:
Small Group Sessions
Engaging Boys and Men in GBV Prevention and Reproductive Health in Conflict and Emergency-Response Settings: A Workshop Module
This training module is for personnel working in conflict and other emergency-response settings who are interested in engaging boys and men in gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and reproductive health. This includes those managing or staffing reproductive health, HIV and AIDS, and/or GBV prevention projects in emergency-response settings or conflict zones.
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Organization/author: The ACQUIRE Project/EngenderHealth, Equimundo
Year: 2008Language: English
Know, Care, Do Theory of Change (learn more)
Components of Engagement:

Role in Engagement:
Client/UserAs clients or users of FP/SRH services with unique priorities, needs, and preferences that should be met by programs.
, PartnerAs partners in their relationships regarding FP/SRH issues and in challenging and addressing gender inequality and inequitable gender norms and roles.
, Agent of ChangeAs agents of change who actively aim to improve outcomes for themselves, their partners, their families, and their communities.