Reflection and Action Tool: Integrating a Life Course Approach in Programming with Boys & Men for Gender Equality

The Integrating a Life Course Approach in Programming with Boys & Men for Greater Gender Equality tool (“Reflection and Action Tool” for short) helps users apply a life course approach to programming with boys and men. Its purpose is to apply the life course to more effectively engage men and boys across development sectors to improve gender equality. The Reflection and Action Tool provides a framework for reflecting on the life course across three program phases: design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.

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Organization/author: Passages Project/Institute for Reproductive Health

Year: 2022

Language: English, Spanish, French

Know, Care, Do Theory of Change (learn more)

Role in Engagement:
Client/UserAs clients or users of FP/SRH services with unique priorities, needs, and preferences that should be met by programs.
PartnerAs partners in their relationships regarding FP/SRH issues and in challenging and addressing gender inequality and inequitable gender norms and roles.
Agent of ChangeAs agents of change who actively aim to improve outcomes for themselves, their partners, their families, and their communities.