A man collects water for testing in LiberiaAmiton Z. Lekpor

Using Testimonials to Drive Action: A Story of Hygiene Promotion in Liberia

In Liberia, Breakthrough ACTION combined the power of storytelling, technology, and collaboration to promote better hygiene.
Five people work together around a laptop in GuineaBreakthrough ACTION Guinea
Nine Guatemalan mothers gather outside to share experiences and learn from each other

Entre Nosotras: Guide to Form Support Circles

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Esta guía presenta una metodología grupal que promueve espacios de aprendizaje donde las madres comparten experiencias entre sí para aprender entre pares.
A Tanzanian midwife in a health care clinicSheena Ariyapala/Department for International Development

Charting New Frontiers in Provider Behavior Change Monitoring and Evaluation

This blog post urges program implementers to monitor and evaluate each level of the provider behavior ecosystem and introduces tools they can use to do so.
People clapping in a health care facilityPhoto credit: West Africa Breakthrough ACTION
Malaria medication in NigeriaArne Hoel/World Bank/Flickr

Trusted Messages and Messengers Contribute to Life-Saving Malaria Prevention Campaigns in Benue

In Nigeria, Breakthrough ACTION worked with traditional and religious leaders to advance a campaign to protect children from malaria.
Team Vaccinated family

Kicking Goals for Health: A Game-Changing Approach to Behavior Change

This blog post highlights how Breakthrough ACTION leveraged the Africa Cup of Nations soccer event to encourage men to champion their families’ health.
Two young men drawing during an HCD workshop in TanzaniaBreakthrough ACTION Tanzania

Shifting Narratives About Gender in Tanzania: Refining Roles for Men in Reproductive and Maternal Health

In Tanzania, Breakthrough ACTION is improving reproductive and maternal health outcomes by engaging men and redefining gender roles.

La prévention de la rage en action: La campagne “Super Ami des Chiens” de la Guinée

Breakthrough ACTION's “Super Ami des Chiens” multi-channel rabies prevention campaign aims to promote safe interactions between children and dogs.