The VIVA! integrated campaign used community engagement to address cholera, FP, malaria, nutrition, TB, and WASH in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Read More
These documents outline Breakthrough ACTION's approach to advocacy among religious and traditional leaders and the impact of that work. Read More
Adolescents gather in a school yard to discuss health
The adolescent health club facilitator guide and health booklet for youth cover topics such as puberty, family planning, and self-esteem. Read More
These facilitator guides are designed to train stakeholders and leaders in SMART advocacy with the aim of advocating for issues affecting health outcomes. Read More
This learning brief describes a strategy for working with mass media in Nigeria and offers lessons for integrating this approach in large SBC projects. Read More
This book provides an overview of Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria activities and approaches from 2018 to 2024. Read More
This page includes resources that explain the ITN use:access ratio and provides SBC tools and project examples relating to net distribution and net use. Read More
Screenshot of Behavior Change Impact homepage
This database presents a collection of over 100 articles describing interventions or studies that address malaria challenges through SBC approaches. Read More
Cover page of a national malaria SBC strategy document
The National Malaria SBC Strategy Development Package includes meeting agendas for stakeholder workshops and writing retreats, guidance on data synthesis and storytelling, and national malaria SBC strategy templates. Read More
This document highlights nine key messages, five actionable steps, and valuable resources and evidence that make the case for investment in malaria SBC.  Read More
Breakthrough ACTION implemented an integrated health SBC strategy to promote 17 health behaviors in Nigeria. Read More
Breakthrough ACTION implemented transmedia interventions co-created with the Government of Nigeria and other key stakeholders. Read More
Breakthrough ACTION trained 659 Ward Development Committees in Nigeria to plan, fund, and implement Community Health Action Resource Plans. Read More
Breakthrough ACTION and the Nigeria National Malaria Elimination Programme worked to motivate people and providers to prevent, test, and treat malaria. Read More
A health care worker provides treatment to a community member who tested positive for malaria
These resources can be used by service delivery and SBC practitioners to integrate a social and behavioral lens to work with health care professionals. Read More
Albishirin Ku! radio drama recording in Nigeria
The Albishirin Ku! radio show promoted maternal, newborn, and child health behaviors in Nigeria. It was designed using systematic SBC approaches. Read More
This package of community engagement resources focuses on lifestages and multiplier and gateway behaviors. Read More
RBM Partnership To End Malaria
This toolkit provides high-level guidance to develop malaria social and behavior change training curricula for community health workers. Read More
Pregnant woman and her male partner
This brief provides recommendations to increase the uptake of intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy and early antenatal care. Read More
Screenshot of the Insecticide-Treated Net (ITN) Access and Use Report interactive map
Through a world map interface, this interactive site provides decision-makers with essential ITN indicators alongside country-specific determinants of use. Read More
This assessment tool helps malaria service providers apply a behavioral lens so they can better understand service delivery challenges. Read More
This brief explains how Breakthrough ACTION worked closely with influential individuals to act as trusted ambassadors to increase COVID-19 vaccine rates. Read More
This course teaches how to encourage antimalarial acceptance and uptake by employing audience segmentation based on attitudes and behaviors of populations. Read More
This toolkit helps malaria practitioners and implementing partners plan and integrate segmentation-based profiles into their existing work. Read More
This brief explains how SBC practitioners can identify provider audience segments to improve the malaria case management journey. Read More