Brothers for Life (Frères pour la vie) is a community health program that aims to reduce the rate of HIV infections among men by reducing risky behaviors. Read More
Adapted for use in the DRC, the SNET enabled Breakthrough ACTION to identify social norms affecting male engagement in FP discussions and method uptake. Read More
AFCON #TeamVaccine TV Spot
Breakthrough ACTION developed campaign materials to promote vaccine uptake among 2023 AFCON football fans. Read More
Graphic of men
This brief recommends promising strategies to improve health outcomes among boys and men by promoting social connection and support. Read More
couple meets with health care provider
This card game helps couples explore child spacing choices and gain comfort in discussing these topics with each other and health providers. Read More
This course helps program implementers increase and improve the engagement of men and boys in family planning programs and services. Read More
Engaging men and boys
A set of five case studies showcase how a male engagement theory of change can be applied to improve health outcomes across diverse country contexts. Read More
Breakthrough ACTION’s package of evidence-based resources can help family planning program planners advocate for the inclusion of vasectomy. Read More
Graphic image showing a family of five
Breakthrough ACTION developed a theory of change to help family planning practitioners engage more effectively with men and boys. Read More
Cover of Advancing Male Engagement
This guide helps family planning practitioners advocate for investments, commitment, and implementation of male engagement efforts. Read More
This report and brief assess the benefits and feasibility of two couple communication approaches on family planning. Read More