These briefs describe how Breakthrough ACTION used mobile technology to share health messaging, disseminate mobile reminders, and as a learning tool.  Read More
This report highlights the work of Breakthrough ACTION in Liberia, which worked to improve health outcomes across 12 counties using SBC. Read More
This brief provides recommendations to prioritize trust and empathy to improve nutritional outcomes for young mothers and their children. Read More
mother feeding a child fruit
This SBC plan outlines actions for addressing persistent malnutrition in the DRC, emphasizing coordinated advocacy and communication strategies. Read More
Nigerian woman reading a radio script on World Malaria Day
This brief showcases Breakthrough ACTION’s approach to creating strong partnerships with media professionals and health technical experts as part of its strategic and coordinated package of SBC interventions in Nigeria. Read More
In the DRC, Breakthrough ACTION co-created solutions to revitalize the role of community health workers, known as RECOs, through a HCD approach. Read More
Materials from the "Proud Parents Campaign" in Guinea, which used multimedia to engage young parents of children under five. Read More
Un guide élaboré par Breakthrough ACTION-Guinée pour harmoniser les messages de CSC sur 20 comportements accélérateurs en santé. Read More
This literature review explores factors influencing community health worker behavior and maps them against the Provider Behavior Ecosystem. Read More
The VIVA! integrated campaign used community engagement to address cholera, FP, malaria, nutrition, TB, and WASH in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Read More
These documents outline Breakthrough ACTION's approach to advocacy among religious and traditional leaders and the impact of that work. Read More
Adolescents gather in a school yard to discuss health
The adolescent health club facilitator guide and health booklet for youth cover topics such as puberty, family planning, and self-esteem. Read More
These facilitator guides are designed to train stakeholders and leaders in SMART advocacy with the aim of advocating for issues affecting health outcomes. Read More
This learning brief describes a strategy for working with mass media in Nigeria and offers lessons for integrating this approach in large SBC projects. Read More
Florece en tu Tierra
This radio program highlights the success of young entrepreneurs in the highlands of Guatemala. It aims to reduce irregular migration. Read More
This book provides an overview of Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria activities and approaches from 2018 to 2024. Read More
Mother and child in Guatemala
This video series shows the lives of women and men who became "seeds of change" in their communities in Guatemala. Read More
Adolescent receiving blood pressure check
Breakthrough ACTION’s work to implement an integrated social and behavior change program in Zambia resulted in five adaptable implementation packages. Read More
Radio actress for the “Spark of Change” entertainment-education radio soap opera in Guatemala
This entertainment-education radio soap opera promotes good health and nutrition practices for women and children in Guatemala. Read More
Breakthrough ACTION implemented an integrated health SBC strategy to promote 17 health behaviors in Nigeria. Read More
A Nigerian radio personality during a call-in program
Breakthrough ACTION implemented transmedia interventions co-created with the Government of Nigeria and other key stakeholders. Read More
Albishirin Ku! radio drama recording in Nigeria
The Albishirin Ku! radio show promoted maternal, newborn, and child health behaviors in Nigeria. It was designed using systematic SBC approaches. Read More
This package of community engagement resources focuses on lifestages and multiplier and gateway behaviors. Read More
Women’s Empowerment Groups in Nigeria provide safe spaces for women and strengthen their capacity and agency to practice health behaviors. Read More
Nine Guatemalan mothers gather outside to share experiences and learn from each other
Esta guía presenta una metodología grupal que promueve espacios de aprendizaje donde las madres comparten experiencias entre sí para aprender entre pares. Read More