Breakthrough RESEARCH, through work led by Avenir Health, is gathering, analyzing, and sharing evidence on the costs and impact of social and behavior change (SBC) interventions to make the case that investing in SBC is crucial for improving health and advancing development. The Breakthrough RESEARCH Business Case for Investing in Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning showed that investments in SBC are effective in improving family planning outcomes.

PRB worked with partner Avenir Health to create this interactive graphic that explores the pathways through which mass media, interpersonal communication interventions, and packages of different types of SBC interventions can increase modern contraceptive use. The amount that an SBC intervention can increase modern contraceptive use depends on existing behaviors and attitudes, the effectiveness of the intervention, and how much the intervention is scaled up.

The graphic can be used to advocate for increased investments in SBC and start conversations about the need to prioritize SBC investments based on country context.

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Activity Snapshot

Lead partners
Avenir Health and PRB

Anticipated Timeline

Geographic Location

Nicole Bellows

More information on Breakthrough RESEARCH’s costing and economic evaluation activities