In South Sudan, Breakthrough ACTION adapted a game designed by ideas42 and IntraHealth for use in Uganda to create “Together We Decide.” Using behavioral design theories, “Together We Decide” creates a safe space for participants to learn and discuss how to build health and harmony within their families. The game is designed to increase male engagement in the family planning process and build familiarity with child spacing methods while allowing couples to explore the outcome of various child spacing choices and gain comfort in discussing these topics within the family and with health workers. The game encourages participants to consider how child spacing methods might help them achieve their goals for their family and to make choices together for their families.


  • Provide accurate health information on family planning to men and women.
  • Redefine roles and norms around decision-making and participation.
  • Demonstrate equitable communication and decision-making around family planning.
  • Encourage couples to seek advice on family planning from health care providers.

couple meets with health care provider