Breakthrough ACTION developed Women’s Empowerment Groups in Nigeria to create safe spaces for women and strengthen their capacity and agency to:

  • Practice health behaviors
  • Engage in discussion and decision making confidently with their spouses
  • Participate in economic empowerment activities

The Women’s Empowerment Group model is based on insights from formative research, suggesting that many women lack the agency or ability to make decisions—and act—on issues related to pregnancy, childbirth, and child health care.

A Women’s Empowerment Group brings together 15–35 women committed to their health and the well-being of their children and families. The women are also willing to work together on financial empowerment through savings and loans and by learning new skills.

The group’s operational guidelines provide step-by-step instructions on implementing the Women’s Empowerment Group model. The guidelines are designed for use by any group, organization, or individual interested in systematically supporting and promoting women’s empowerment, with a focus on health-related issues.

Women’s Empowerment Group Training Manual is designed for individuals interested in facilitating Women’s Empowerment Groups or similar models. This training manual provides detailed guidance to train facilitators who will support Women’s Groups.

Nutrition Card Game

Breakthrough ACTION developed nutrition resources for these groups to increase women’s nutrition knowledge through gamification and food demonstrations.

The Nutrition Card Game [ Hausa | Igbo ] teaches women about dietary diversity, using the concept of a four-star meal, which includes at least one food item from four food groups. The card game helps individuals and communities understand diet diversity and encourages community members to make nutritious recipes from locally available options.