Compass for SBC “Spotlight” on Breakthrough RESEARCH


As USAID’s flagship social and behavior change (SBC) research and evaluation project, Breakthrough RESEARCH—a consortium led by the Population Council that includes Avenir Health, ideas42, the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University, Population Reference Bureau, and Tulane University—has been generating SBC-related data and analysis, and setting SBC research agendas for the past three years. We work in close collaboration with our sister project, Breakthrough ACTION, to produce evidence and share our programmatically relevant SBC results. Breakthrough RESEARCH also works with other SBC implementing partners. The project’s research and evaluation findings and products are valuable resources for a wide range of SBC stakeholders globally.

A woman is interviewedTo make our work more accessible to the broader SBC community, Breakthrough RESEARCH partner Population Reference Bureau connected with Compass (formerly called The Health COMpass) to create a Breakthrough RESEARCH Compass Spotlight showcasing the depth and breadth of our SBC research and evaluation products. Compass is an online platform dedicated to sharing the latest SBC resources for enhancing projects, improving skills, and reviewing and documenting impactful projects from around the world.

The Breakthrough RESEARCH Compass Spotlight is divided into six key areas of research:

The results and products shared for each of these topics are geared toward host-country governments, implementing partners, service delivery organizations, donors, and other stakeholders. These stakeholders include those already focused on SBC and those who are considering integrating proven and cost-effective SBC approaches into their programs.

We invite you to check out the new Breakthrough RESEARCH Compass Spotlight and learn more about our SBC research.

For more information, contact Rachel Yavinsky at