Breakthrough ACTION helped combat Lassa fever in Nigeria by addressing behavior-related practices and enhancing case finding.
Breakthrough ACTION’s SBC Learning Central is empowering changemakers across 131 countries with critical social and behavior change knowledge and tools.
This article describes a course that offers an introduction to behavioral science and behavioral design, and how to apply these approaches to nutrition
Les cours fournissent des connaissances et des compétences fondamentales pour aider les professionnels de la santé publique à intégrer les approches du CSC.
SBC Learning Central courses provide foundational knowledge and skills to help public health professionals incorporate new SBC approaches and methodologies.
Breakthrough ACTION developed a set of behaviorally informed solutions to address barriers and facilitate facility-based delivery for women in Liberia.
Breakthrough ACTION’s work to build behavioral design capacity inspired a health official in Niger to develop innovative solutions for public health challenges.
Breakthrough ACTION’s behavioral design training enabled a health official in Burkina Faso to design innovative solutions that address low ANC attendance rates.
This blog post highlights three lessons learned based on Breakthrough ACTION’s work on co-designing family planning solutions in South Sudan.
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