Responding to Lassa Fever Through Risk Communication and Community Engagement Approaches: The Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria experience

To address the unmet modern contraception need and high discontinuation rate, Breakthrough ACTION is working with Burundi to shift harmful social norms.
Dollarman Natse

Changer les normes de genre en Afrique de l’Est et en Afrique du Sud : perspectives des pairs pour le changement social et de comportement dans le domaine de la planification familiale et de la santé reproductive

La lutte contre les normes sociales et de genre est un élément essentiel pour parvenir à un changement durable dans le domaine de la planification familiale (PF) et de la santé reproductive (SR). Des normes profondément enracinées influencent…
Dollarman Natse

Shifting Gender Norms in East and Southern Africa: Insights from Peers in Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning and Reproductive Health

Addressing social and gender norms is crucial to achieving sustainable change the field of family planning (FP) and reproductive health (RH). Deeply rooted norms often influence individuals’ access to services and decision making around their…

L’action en ligne : Comment les sessions d’orientation de la ZBRA ont augmenté l’engagement de la Guinée

Aujourd'hui, la menace des maladies zoonotiques telles que la variole, le virus Ébola et le COVID-19 est très présente.  Comprendre les comportements humains qui influencent la transmission de ces maladies des animaux aux humains, ainsi…

Driving Online Action: How ZBRA Orientation Sessions Grew Engagement from Guinea

Today the threat of zoonotic diseases like mpox, Ebola, and COVID-19 looms large. Understanding the human behaviors which influence spillover of diseases from animals and ongoing spread is an essential step toward addressing this problem. In…

Changer les mentalités : La formation à l’intégration de la dimension de genre suscite des changements au Niger

Le Niger à l’instar d’autres pays dans le monde entier, connait des situations d'urgence sanitaire qui exacerbent souvent les inégalités entre les hommes et les femmes.[1] Les femmes, en particulier dans les zones rurales, subissent souvent…

Shifting Mindsets: Gender Integration Training Sparks Change in Niger

In Niger and around the world, health emergencies often exacerbate existing gender inequalities.[1] Women, especially in rural areas, frequently bear the brunt of these crises due to their caregiving roles and limited access to health information.…

Making Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs a Real Pleasure

Pleasure. Yes, we said it, pleasure! A concept so often considered taboo, off-limits, too uncomfortable to be discussed, that it just... isn’t. Breakthrough ACTION and The Pleasure Project are on a mission to change this, alongside a group…
Young adults in Guinea discuss Super amie des chiens

Fighting Rabies: In Guinea, Children Lead the Way

Traduction française ci-dessous In September 2023, Breakthrough ACTION launched the innovative Super Ami des Chiens (Super Friend of Dogs) campaign to tackle rabies by promoting safe behaviors such as vaccination, responsible pet care, and…