Building a “One-Stop-Shop” for Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning Resources
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION built a one-stop-shop site for family planning professionals so they can easily find the social and behavior change resources they need.
Placing Empathy at the Heart of Provider Behavior Change: A Toolkit
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThis article describes how and why Breakthrough ACTION developed a toolkit that places empathy at the heart of provider behavior change.
The Power of Co-Design: Lessons Learned from Diverse Stakeholder Perspectives
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThis blog post highlights three lessons learned based on Breakthrough ACTION’s work on co-designing family planning solutions in South Sudan.
Using COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey Data to Conduct Prevention and Vaccination Campaigns in the Philippines
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION used a dashboard containing real-time data from over 130 countries to design and finetune its COVID-19-related work in the Philippines.
Battling COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation Through Targeted Community Dialogues
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogIn Guinea, Breakthrough ACTION developed a guide to help health workers facilitate community dialogues to combat COVID-19-related misinformation.
Promoting COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Among the Media: The Story of a Radio Station in Oyo State
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION’s work with media personnel across radio, print, and television increased COVID-19 vaccine rates in Nigeria.
Closing the Global COVID-19 Vaccine Gap: Three Encouraging Insights to Support Vaccine Demand
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThis blog post describes three opportunities to leverage behavioral insights to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake rates in low-resource settings.
Three Things You can do to Fight Health-Related Misinformation Online
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThis blog post describes three ways public health professionals responding to health emergencies can combat misinformation online.
Equity and malaria: Who gets prioritized when a household doesn’t have enough mosquito nets?
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogA Breakthrough ACTION website helps program planners access insecticide-treated net use data to develop comprehensive and equitable malaria programs.