"I’d like to use the injectable, but my boyfriend might think it’s weird if I’m bleeding irregularly." "I don’t think this doctor understands what I need, but he’ll become angry if I ask a question about his recommendation."

New Social Norm Taxonomy Helps Address Family Planning Challenges in West Africa

This blog post highlights a social norms taxonomy for addressing family planning challenges in West Africa.
A health provider stands outside a pharmacy in MadagascarMaddie Kau/ideas42

Simple Tools to Reduce Preventable Deaths During Childbirth

This blog post describes a set of behavioral science-informed tools that can help health workers in low-resource settings prevent deaths during childbirth.
Members of a young mothers group gather in KenyaJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

The Self-Care Tools for Building a Better Tomorrow

This blog post discusses the ways practicing self-care can help us reimagine our health care systems and provides links to useful self-care tools.
A father and son on their farm in ColombiaUSAID/Flickr

DO’s & DON’Ts for Engaging Men & Boys: Now Available in French, Portuguese, and Spanish

A new brief covers best practices and lessons learned on how to engage men and boys as consumers of health services, supportive partners, and agents of change.
A Nepalese mother and her daughter playDave Cooper/USAID

First-time parents and young married couples: A neglected window of opportunity for family planning programs

Pregnancy is a time of transition for first-time parents. It is also a window of opportunity for family planning (FP) programs seeking to encourage FP uptake.
Young mothers receiving family planning information from a community health worker in UgandaJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

When choices don’t match preferences: Better family planning through behavioral design

This blog post describes programs that have successfully used behavioral design to help people choose family planning options that are best for them.
Behavior Change Impact: Evidence in Action

New website highlights evidence for social and behavior change impact

This blog post introduces a website for social and behavior change (SBC) practitioners seeking evidence on the impact of SBC in a variety of health areas.
Congolese mother breastfeeds her babyPitshou Budiongo

In Honor of World Breastfeeding Week: Interpreting Baby’s Cries

This blog post describes how insights on how the increasingly varied cries of growing infants can affect exclusive breastfeeding by their mothers.
A couple receive counseling about contraceptive methods available to them from a nurse in RwandaYagazie Emezi/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Using SBC to Transform Gender Norms: An Intervention to Improve Family Planning and Reproductive Health

This blog post discusses how social and behavior change transforms gender norms and improve family planning and reproductive outcomes for women and men.