Four people work together around a computer in Guinea

Outcome Harvesting in Guinea Reveals the Depth of the Breakthrough ACTION’s Impact

In Guinea, Breakthrough ACTION used outcome harvesting, a flexible and retrospective monitoring method, to capture activity impact.
Les participants à l'atelier en Tanzanie

Une Nouvelle Boîte à Outils Permet d’Éliminer les Barrières Liées au Genre dans la Riposte Vaccinale

Au niveau mondial, de nombreuses études montrent que les obstacles et les inégalités de genres, tels que l'incapacité à prendre des décisions et le manque de contrôle sur les ressources, empêchent les gens de se faire vacciner. L'impact…
Two workshop participants in Tanzania

New Toolkit Helps Break Down Gender Barriers in Vaccine Response

Risk communication and community engagement actors in Guinea and Tanzania are using Breakthrough ACTION’s toolkit to ensure gender-equitable vaccine response.
A Guatemalan grandmother washes the hands of her grandchildBreakthrough ACTION Guatemala

Data Collected by Breakthrough ACTION to Be Useful for Decision Makers for Years to Come

In Guatemala, Breakthrough ACTION created a dashboard that local governments can use to make data-driven decisions in a variety of health areas.
Female participants in NepalJhpiego for USAID ARH

Starting Off Right: Mentorship Begins With Empathy

In Nepal, Jhpiego is using a card activity developed by Breakthrough ACTION to empower adolescents to choose and practice healthy reproductive behaviors.
Switching worked for me!

Removing Roadblocks in a Woman’s Contraceptive Journey

This story describes how Breakthrough ACTION worked with health agencies in the Philippines to design solutions to reduce contraception discontinuation.
A woman receiving the COVID-19 vaccine from a community pharmacistRamatu Ada Ochekliye/Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria

Improving Demand Generation for COVID-19 Vaccination Through Privately Owned Community Pharmacies

Five lessons learned from Breakthrough ACTION’s work with community pharmacies to increase COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and uptake in Nigeria.
Congolese mother feeding her young childPitshou Budiongo

New Course Teaches Policymakers and Practitioners How to Use Behavioral Design to Improve Nutrition Outcomes

This article describes a course that offers an introduction to behavioral science and behavioral design, and how to apply these approaches to nutrition challenges.
A Nigerian family in Alkaleri LGA of Bauchi StateNura Bashir Faggo/Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria

Promoting Healthy Nutrition Behaviors Through Community Mobilization in Rural Nigeria

Breakthrough ACTION worked with community health workers to promote healthy nutrition behaviors in Nigeria.