Leaving No One Behind During Health Emergencies: Lessons from Mali
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogIn Mali, Breakthrough ACTION is working with and through local champions to make RCCE responsive to the needs of people with disabilities.

Unlocking the Power of Nigeria’s Ward Development Committees
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogWard Development Committees provided the perfect avenue to mobilize communities to act on maternal and child health in Nigeria.

Beyond Loneliness: Cultivating Friendships Among Boys and Men for Better Health
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogFriendships enhance health, but boys and men often struggle with building friendships. Fortunately, the skills they need to do so are learnable.

Please Mind the Gaps: Addressing the Knowledge and Behavioral Gaps Around Zoonotic Diseases in Zambia
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogClosing the knowledge and behavioral gaps around zoonotic diseases can ensure safer coexistence between animals and people in Zambia.

Training Program Equips Nigerian Journalists with Health Reporting Skills
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION trained journalists to discern facts from misinformation and increase the reporting of accurate information on disease prevention.

Learn Better. Learn Together.
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogParticipants in the Know, Care, Do: A Theory of Change for Engaging Men and Boys in Family Planning course benefited from a cohort-based learning approach.

Changing Provider Behavior to Improve Quality of Care in Plateau State, Nigeria
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogIn Nigeria, Breakthrough ACTION worked with over 10,000 service providers to understand their attitudes towards service delivery and standards of care.

Adapting Empathways to Address the Specific Needs of Sexual and Gender Minority Young People
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogA card activity Breakthrough ACTION developed to foster empathy is being adapted to address the specific needs of sexual and gender minority young people.

Engaging Religious Leaders to Prevent Malaria in Nigeria
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogIn Nigeria, Breakthrough ACTION is helping religious leaders counsel their congregants on health topics such as malaria prevention and treatment.