A man collects water for testing in LiberiaAmiton Z. Lekpor

Using Testimonials to Drive Action: A Story of Hygiene Promotion in Liberia

In Liberia, Breakthrough ACTION combined the power of storytelling, technology, and collaboration to promote better hygiene.
Five youth having a conversation outside

Championing Change Among Adolescent and Youth in Homa Bay County

In Kenya, Breakthrough ACTION is working with youth champions to improve young people’s ability to take charge of their sexual and reproductive health.
Several men gather around the Ghur in NepalBreakthrough ACTION Nepal

Influential Civil Society Members Unite Against Child Marriage in Madhesh

In Nepal’s Madhesh province, Breakthrough ACTION is supporting influential civil society members to reduce child, early, and forced marriage.
Hands covered in soap being rinsedEmmanuel Ayo-Loto/Shutterstock

Improving Hygiene in Liberia with Interactive Voice Response Technology: A Technical Brief

This brief describes a remote training to empower influential leaders across Liberia to advocate to improve hygiene-related activities in their communities.
A Tanzanian midwife in a health care clinicSheena Ariyapala/Department for International Development

Charting New Frontiers in Provider Behavior Change Monitoring and Evaluation

This blog post urges program implementers to monitor and evaluate each level of the provider behavior ecosystem and introduces tools they can use to do so.
Potential levels of influence on FP behaviorsBreakthrough ACTION
Three women preparing to bake cakes with a solar oven in KenyaJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Audience Segmentation for Nutrition Online Course

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This course teaches how to encourage positive nutrition behavior change by employing segmentation based on needs, attitudes, and behaviors of intended audiences.
A female community health worker and a woman sit outside during a home visit in KenyaUSAID Afya Ugavi Program/PMI/Flickr

Strengthening Relationships Between the Community and Health Facility

In Kenya, Breakthrough ACTION brought communities and health facilities together to tackle concerns about wait times, perceived costs, and confidentiality.
People clapping in a health care facilityPhoto credit: West Africa Breakthrough ACTION