Celebrating Women of ACTION
The approximately 600 people who make up Breakthrough ACTION may have different job titles, speak different languages, and bring different talents and skills to the table, but they all share one thing in common; they all envision a world where individuals, households, and communities are empowered to make decisions that enhance their health and livelihoods.
This International Women’s Day, we would like to celebrate the passionate and brilliant women in the Breakthrough ACTION family. Over the next few weeks, you will hear from eight amazing women, each of whom exemplifies the multifaceted work Breakthrough ACTION does every day all around the world. We hope their stories provide a glimpse into the innovative approaches Breakthrough ACTION uses to co-create solutions that address the real and unique challenges in every community we work in.
Follow Breakthrough ACTION on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to hear the stories of the eight Women of ACTION:
- Chime Mukwakwa, Chief of Party, Malawi
- Finou Mendy, Global Health Senior Associate, Senegal
- Nanthilde Kamara, Country Director, Mali
- Paola Molano, Strategic Designer, Senegal
- Zamilatou Labati, West Africa Program Manager, Burkina Faso,Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, and Togo
- Meata Freeman, Knowledge Management Officer, Liberia
- Olivia Carlson, Program Officer II
- Irene Banda, Community and Social Mobilization Technical Specialist, Malawi
Written by: Meei Child, Communications Officer, Breakthrough ACTION