The IPT show being conducted in BangladeshBreakthrough ACTION

Lights, Camera, Vaccination: The Impact of Interactive Theater in Reaching the Unreached

In Bangladesh, Breakthrough ACTION used interactive theater to bring COVID-19 vaccine messages to thousands of people in rural and other hard-to-reach areas.
Breakthrough ACTION program officer works on a laptop in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

The power of geospatial mapping to increase COVID-19 vaccinations

Breakthrough ACTION collaborated with Nigeria’s Kebbi State Government to use geospatial mapping to help increase COVID-19 vaccination rates.
Girl waving at an outdoor puppet show in BangladeshBreakthrough ACTION

From Football to Puppets: The Power of Strategic Communication

In Bangladesh, Breakthrough ACTION used enter-education activities such as a river show and football matches to promote COVID-19 prevention and vaccination.
A 13 year old boy and 12 year old girl with signs about getting the COVID-19 vaccine in BangladeshBreakthrough ACTION

Community Session: A Tool to Protect Community Against COVID-19 in Bangladesh

Breakthrough ACTION established a vaccine ambassador community engagement program in Bangladesh to raise awareness and counter misinformation about COVID-19.
Female pharmacist holding the Building Trust and Empathy Around COVID-19 handoutBreakthrough ACTION

Building Trust and Empathy Around COVID-19 in Nigeria: What Have We Learned?

Breakthrough ACTION shares five lessons learned through its efforts to strengthen Nigerian community health workers’ capacity to respond to COVID-19.
A graphic of two Filipino children wearing face masks with smilesDepartment of Education, Department of Health & USAID

Using COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey Data to Conduct Prevention and Vaccination Campaigns in the Philippines

Breakthrough ACTION used a dashboard containing real-time data from over 130 countries to design and finetune its COVID-19-related work in the Philippines.
COVID-19 community meeting in Guinea

Battling COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation Through Targeted Community Dialogues

In Guinea, Breakthrough ACTION developed a guide to help health workers facilitate community dialogues to combat COVID-19-related misinformation.
Radio news cast

Promoting COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Among the Media: The Story of a Radio Station in Oyo State

Breakthrough ACTION’s work with media personnel across radio, print, and television increased COVID-19 vaccine rates in Nigeria.
COVID-19 volunteer going door to door

Closing the Global COVID-19 Vaccine Gap: Three Encouraging Insights to Support Vaccine Demand

This blog post describes three opportunities to leverage behavioral insights to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake rates in low-resource settings.