A new brief urges the family planning and sexual and reproductive (FP/SRH) community to make FP/SRH programs more inclusive of sexual and gender minority youth.
Friendships enhance health, but boys and men often struggle with building friendships. Fortunately, the skills they need to do so are learnable.
Participants in the Know, Care, Do: A Theory of Change for Engaging Men and Boys in Family Planning course benefited from a cohort-based learning approach.
A card activity Breakthrough ACTION developed to foster empathy is being adapted to address the specific needs of sexual and gender minority young people.
In Nigeria, mothers equipped with knowledge, income, and confidence are shaping the health of their families.
Breakthrough ACTION’s partner in Indonesia shares a few tips on designing gender-equitable environments for very young adolescents.
En Guinée, Breakthrough ACTION transforme la CREC en adoptant une approche à trois volets pour intégrer la dimension de genre.
In Guinea, Breakthrough ACTION is transforming risk communication and community engagement by taking a three-pronged approach to integrating gender.
In Kenya, Breakthrough ACTION is working with youth champions to improve young people’s ability to take charge of their sexual and reproductive health.
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