Breakthrough ACTION drew inspiration from work done to reduce child, early, and forced marriage in Malawi to reduce child marriages in Nepal.
In Malawi, Breakthrough ACTION worked with community and faith leaders to develop and deliver messages that promote lifesaving malaria prevention behaviors.
Thanks to Breakthrough ACTION’s work to reduce child, early, and forced marriage, a teenage mother in Malawi was able to reclaim her dream of becoming a nurse.
Breakthrough ACTION worked with a community action group in Malawi to rescue 28 girls from early marriages, including one who dreamed of becoming a teacher.
In Malawi, Breakthrough ACTION improved malaria outcomes by enabling local ownership of malaria social and behavior change initiatives.
A Breakthrough ACTION website helps program planners access insecticide-treated net use data to develop comprehensive and equitable malaria programs.
This blog post describes how Breakthrough ACTION used behavioral insights to develop provider behavior change solutions that lead to better quality of care.
The blog post discusses three priorities that surfaced during a conference for health practitioners on the frontlines during discussions of community health.
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