Tested Solutions for Engaging Men in Family Planning
English Do, Care Uganda Couples, Healthcare Providers/Staff, Men Sexual and Reproductive Health, Family Planning Toolkit Small Group Sessions, Interpersonal Communication, Provider Behavior Change Agent of Change, Partner, Client/UserThis design primer details the components of the behaviorally informed intervention used in The Scale-up and Capacity Building in Behavioral Science to Improve the Uptake of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services (SupCap) project in…

Engaging Men in HIV and AIDS at the Service Delivery Level: A Manual for Service Providers
English Do, Care, Know Global Healthcare Providers/Staff Sexual and Reproductive Health, HIV, Service Delivery Training Guide Provider Behavior Change ClientThis is a training manual for service providers working with men. The sessions in the manual teach participants to challenge the bias against engaging men in reproductive health and HIV services at the facility level. The sessions also identify…

Health Provider Toolkit for Adolescent and Young Adult Males
English Do Global Healthcare Providers/Staff Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit Interpersonal Communication, Provider Behavior Change Client/UserThis clinical toolkit is for health care providers who serve adolescent and young adult males between the ages of 10 and 26. It is designed to address adolescent and young adult males’ unique health care needs. The toolkit contains a provider…

Training Package for Healthcare Professionals on Engaging Men in Prenatal Care
English Do, Care, Know Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia Healthcare Providers/Staff Service Delivery, Maternal and Child Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender-based Violence, Family Planning Training Guide Provider Behavior Change, Gender-transformative Agent of Change, Partner, Client/UserThis training package was created to help healthcare professionals engage with men during pregnancy and childbirth and to promote active fatherhood. Accompanied by slides for use in presentations and including prenatal visit practice with role…

Guide for MenCare Partners on Training Health Providers: Male Engagement in MNCH and SRHR
English Do, Care, Know Senegal, Nigeria, Haiti, Ghana, Bangladesh Healthcare Providers/Staff, Community Health Workers Maternal and Child Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Family Planning, Service Delivery Facilitator Manual Advocacy, Gender-transformative, Community Engagement, Small Group Sessions, Provider Behavior Change Client/User, Agent of Change, PartnerThis guide outlines the rationale for and approach to engaging men in maternal, newborn, and child health and in sexual and reproductive health and rights, providing best practices for designing and implementing male engagement intervention…