This document shares data and trends in child marriage cases, school enrollment, and SRH services in Malawi. Read More
Child, Early, and Forced Marriage Success Stories
This booklet highlights stories from adolescent girls and young women in Malawi whose lives have been positively impacted by Breakthrough ACTION. Read More
Pregnant woman and her male partner
This brief provides recommendations to increase the uptake of intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy and early antenatal care. Read More
This course teaches how to encourage antimalarial acceptance and uptake by employing audience segmentation based on attitudes and behaviors of populations. Read More
This case study describes how Breakthrough ACTION used behavioral design to understand family planning provider behavior in Malawi and offers seven insights. Read More
Provider looking at the decision tree
These resources describe efforts to generate and test solutions that address key barriers to postpartum hemorrhage prevention, detection, and treatment.  Read More
These resources describe social and behavior change efforts to reduce maternal deaths from postpartum hemorrhage in Malawi. Read More
Homepage of the Malaria Behavior Survey
This is a cross-sectional household survey of malaria-related behaviors and the factors that drive or inhibit them. Read More
This is a package of evidence-based, low-cost SBC solutions that improve the quality of family planning counseling for postpartum women. Read More