Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria’s risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) interventions support the Government of Nigeria in preventing, detecting, and responding to public health emergencies. As part of these efforts, the project:

  • Produced and implemented a coordinated package of social and behavior change (SBC) interventions, including mass media campaigns and community-level activities tailored to address specific public health emergencies and infectious diseases like Lassa fever, mpox, and COVID-19.
  • Strengthened the capacity of government, partners, health care providers, and community leaders, as well as other community actors, to effectively communicate health messages and facilitate behavior change during public health emergencies.

Mass Media Campaign Television and Radio Spots

Television and radio spots from mass media campaigns aim to drive health messages and behavior change within communities around public health emergencies. They are designed based on theory and evidence and are relatable to the audience.

COVID-19 vaccination

Community Engagement Resources

These tools for community volunteers and religious leaders are used to encourage community members to adopt preventive measures and address misinformation related to COVID-19 and infectious diseases.

Health Care Workers

Health care workers are both an audience and communication channel for interventions due to their own risk for infection, trusted status, direct access to communities, and their potential influence on behavior change. Leveraging health care workers enhances the credibility and effectiveness of RCCE interventions in promoting health behaviors and facilitating behavior change within communities. Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria developed a package of resources to:

One Health Risk Communication and Community Engagement Training Package

Learning Briefs and Blog Posts

Impact Stories