
Making Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs a Real Pleasure
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION, The Pleasure Project, and 38 Pleasure Champions working in SBC, gender, and SRH are working to challenge the concept of pleasure.

How Breakthrough ACTION Burundi Engages Men and Boys in Family Planning Work
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONTo address the unmet modern contraception need and high discontinuation rate, Breakthrough ACTION is working with Burundi to shift harmful social norms.

A Journey of Community Empowerment Across Five States in Nigeria
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION’s community capacity strengthening approach empowered 659 local ward committees across five Nigerian states to lead health programs.

Collective Effort is Key to Advancing SGM Youth’s Inclusion in FP/SRH Programs
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONA new brief urges the family planning and sexual and reproductive (FP/SRH) community to make FP/SRH programs more inclusive of sexual and gender minority youth.

Adapting Empathways to Address the Specific Needs of Sexual and Gender Minority Young People
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONA card activity Breakthrough ACTION developed to foster empathy is being adapted to address the specific needs of sexual and gender minority young people.

Mothers as Agents of Household Health
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Nigeria, mothers equipped with knowledge, income, and confidence are shaping the health of their families.

Seeding Change to Realize a Brighter Future for Liberia’s Youth
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogWith youth leading change in their classrooms and beyond, the future of Liberia is surely growing brighter.

Championing Change Among Adolescent and Youth in Homa Bay County
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Kenya, Breakthrough ACTION is working with youth champions to improve young people’s ability to take charge of their sexual and reproductive health.

Charting New Frontiers in Provider Behavior Change Monitoring and Evaluation
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post urges program implementers to monitor and evaluate each level of the provider behavior ecosystem and introduces tools they can use to do so.