
Mothers as Agents of Household Health
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogIn Nigeria, mothers equipped with knowledge, income, and confidence are shaping the health of their families.

Trusted Messages and Messengers Contribute to Life-Saving Malaria Prevention Campaigns in Benue
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogIn Nigeria, Breakthrough ACTION worked with traditional and religious leaders to advance a campaign to protect children from malaria.

Promoting Antenatal Care Attendance and Preventing Malaria through Compound Meetings in Nigeria
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogIn Nigeria, Breakthrough ACTION is using compound meetings to transform maternal health and malaria care mindsets and behaviors.

Improving Demand Generation for COVID-19 Vaccination Through Privately Owned Community Pharmacies
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogFive lessons learned from Breakthrough ACTION’s work with community pharmacies to increase COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and uptake in Nigeria.

Promoting Healthy Nutrition Behaviors Through Community Mobilization in Rural Nigeria
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION worked with community health workers to promote healthy nutrition behaviors in Nigeria.

Nigeria Ward Development Committees Drive Community Action by Helping Women Get to Health Services
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION’s work enabled a community emergency system to transport thousands of women to facilities for antenatal care and child delivery.

The power of geospatial mapping to increase COVID-19 vaccinations
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION collaborated with Nigeria’s Kebbi State Government to use geospatial mapping to help increase COVID-19 vaccination rates.

Building Trust and Empathy Around COVID-19 in Nigeria: What Have We Learned?
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION shares five lessons learned through its efforts to strengthen Nigerian community health workers’ capacity to respond to COVID-19.

Promoting COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Among the Media: The Story of a Radio Station in Oyo State
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION’s work with media personnel across radio, print, and television increased COVID-19 vaccine rates in Nigeria.